‘Doing it all again – nearly 30 years on! Ceremony at Peyia Town Hall

Wedding day 052Paul and Jane Wilson’s Intimate Cyprus Wedding

We were doing it all again! Having been married in 1985 and gone our separate ways some 6 years later, who would have thought that we would meet up again nearly 30 years later and realise that our love was still very much alive and had not died all those years ago.

This time it had to be very, very special, it needed to be abroad, somewhere beautiful, and something quiet, more personal, just for us, with very little fuss. But where should we go? How do we do it?


The answer was, and would for anyone else out there who wants to organise a wedding in Cyprus, Stella Virdi. She understood that although she is used to organising lavish and beautiful weddings, this one was slightly different. This one was going to be a small but perfectly formed event. ..And indeed it was! From the legal paperwork to the venue arrangements at Pegia Town Hall and the personal attention on the wedding day and throughout, it was wonderful.


We would like to thank you Stella for your hard work, guidance and wonderful humor  It was all so hassle free and arranging a villa for us to stay in during our holiday/honeymoon on top!

Stella is the Wedding Planner Extraordinaire! We would thoroughly recommend her knowledge and talents to anyone wishing for a perfect day


Jane and Paul Wilson


4th April 2013

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