Natalie Meredith & James Brown – 12 May 2014

Natalie Meredith & James BrownAs for were we met, we use to work together and we flirted for a while in the office, he worked in the warehouse and i was in the office.
He would come into the office to get cups of water at least 4 times an hour to look at me and smile, then came the flirting. Until one day his friend told me that he knew someone in the warehouse who really liked me, to which my reply was well there is someone i really like and it turned out to be James.

Because we worked together we decided to keep quiet for a while until everyone saw us holding hands along the street and the cat was out of hte bag.

We get on really well and have done since day one, but the big thing in our relationship is that we talk and laugh all the time.
James is my best friend and he knows ever secret i have got and we share almost everything.

Well he planned a romantic trip to the christmas fare in hyde park Winter Wonderland, booked up the big wheel and was going to propose in the POD, but we was joined by 2 other couples and it was extremely squashed in there and he could not find the right moment to pop the question. So the next day we was putting our christmas tree up in our flat and he started to panic and felt that the timing was not right, so that was another day down.

I of course was wondering why everyone was calling me to see how the winter wonderland was, they all knew that he was going to propose.

But on the Monday he came home from work walked into the bedroom with pink roses my favorite and got down on one knee and asked the question.

I then cried and jumped into his arms and obviously said yes.

We choose Cyprus because we wanted to get married abroad and i was researching where and Cyprus appeared with information about Aphrodite goddess of love and we fell in love with it.

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